Article 19116

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Kaftulina Yuliya Anatol'evna, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, sub-department of economics and international relations, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Volodin Viktor Mikhaylovich, Doctor of economic sciences, professor, sub-department of management and economic safety, dean of the Faculty of economics and administration, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),

Index UDK



Background. In modern terms, coffee is a highly profitable and very attractive product for business at all stages of its development: from coffee plantation to a cup of refreshing drink. The turnover of coffee takes the second place in the statistics of world trade yielding only to oil, which is an evidence of the key role of coffee in the world. Coffee is considered to be one of the symbols of globalization. In this regard, the study of problems and prospects of development of the world coffee market, including in Russia, is relevant. The purpose of the article is to identify peculiarities of prospects of development of the Russian market of coffee.
Materials and methods. The research task was implemented on the basis of the analysis of the Federal law of March 8, 2015 № 24-FL “On the Russian Federation’s accession to the International coffee agreement 2007”, reports of the Ministry of economic development, the Russian Association of tea & coffee producers and the Organization of coffee manufacturers in Russia, as well as statistical data on deve¬lopment of the world coffee market, including the Russian one. In the work, depen¬ding on the characteristics of tasks, the authors used different methods of economic research: abstract-logical – when setting the goals and objectives of the research; comparative analysis – the organization of participants of the Russian coffee market and other issues addressed in the paper; inductive and deductive methods – assessment of prospects and tendencies of development of the Russian market of coffee.
Results. The work systematizes main participants of the Russian coffee market; highlights the specifics and peculiarities of the Russian market of coffee; identifies trends, tendencies and prospects of development of the coffee market in Russia.
Conclusions. Coffee in Russia is considered to be an exclusively imported product as it is almost impossible to grow. Recently there has appeared a number of Russian companies engaged in supply of green or roasted coffee beans from abroad, and on their equipment in Russia it is packed, roasted and ground. At this stage of development of the coffee market in Russia one may speak about a fashion for “kofisa” that came from the West – merging of an office with a coffee shop. The coffee market has still not been saturated, and in the Russian market in the near future there will open coffee shops in different price categories. The main consumers of coffee, of grain in the first place, is HoReCa. Along with coffee houses, vending business has become widespread – selling coffee from vending machines. Russia is ranked the 3rd in consumption of soluble coffee per capita in the world after the USA and the UK. In the long term: improving the quality of coffee, increasing investment in the area, developing the infrastructure, reducing a number of intermediaries, as well as comfort eating.

Key words

coffee world market coffee, Russian coffee market, vending business, HoReCa market, cofisa, coffee producers.

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Дата создания: 26.08.2016 13:17
Дата обновления: 29.08.2016 17:01